Ninebanks – Gathering of the Clans (part 2)   10 comments

After the action packed day, revelry and all night partying of the previous night (well a couple of beers and a handful of quality street anyway) we had a bit of lie in on the Sunday. The day started cloudy but it soon started to clear into what looked like a cracker of day.


Ninebanks Hostel

Me, GM and ED (now fully recovered from his dunking on the first day) decided on”a bit of a stroll”. We said we’d be back shortly but in the end we were out most of the day


Setting off

We left the ladies in charge of the kids sledging. The previous year the lads all had a go as well but after a mix of major injuries (ED – again! why does he attract so much incident) and busted sledges resulting from fat gits sitting on them, we thought we’d better leave it to the junior members of the party.


TYG, L and Z


E in full flow


B makes and igloo - sort of!


"Girls just wanna have fun"

We took in a stroll along Mohope Burn where the sun was casting a glorious winter light over the snow-covered landscape. We spent the time chatting as we walked and playing with the cameras taking “artistic” shots – yeah right! Still, don’t think I do too bad for a rank amateur with his point and press multiple approach.


Mohope Burn

It was a simple walk over the fields and green (well white) lanes up to the lower slopes of Greenleycleugh crags.


Surveying the scene - with a slightly suspect pose

Once onto the open moor the going became tougher with deep snow on even deeper tussocks and grass.


Tussock bashing

This was more than compensated by the views which were inspiring with a virtually cloudless bright blue sky and views for miles. The “Christmas Cake” look.


GM poses artistically

Cross Fell was showing its bulk and you could clearly make out the communications domes on Dun Fell. You could even make out the tower blocks of Newcastle.


Cross Fell and Dun Fell

I’ve been astonishingly lucky this year. I’ve lost count of the number of days of crystal clear blue sky days I’ve had and here I had another  one. It’s good to be alive on a day like this and whilst I’ve had longer, more dramatic, tougher days than this, few can beat the 30 minutes I spent on this little known and I bet little visited hillside.

We lingered as long as the cold wind would let us drinking from flasks and sharing the Apple Crumble I’d thoughtfully carted up with me and kindly shared around (these boys don’t deserve me).


Summit scoffing

Even though it was relatively early as we returned along Mohope Burn the sun was already dipping below the hills and the temperature dropping. Another truly memorable day


Mohope Burn


Homeward bound

The kids were still sledging and building igloos when we got back but it was time for a brew and some serious festering back at the hostel.

The evening was pleasant but quieter as many of the posse had to return home as their schools had yet to break up (when will there be a coordinated set of school holiday dates – how hard can that be!). We had plans to do a short walk on the Monday morning but the weather turned foul so it was just a long drive back home.

Another top drawer weekend and a big thanks  to EWO and TYG for booking everything. Already counting the days to Ninebanks 2012. ED has his own report the day here including a brief summary of the various nicknames for members of our pathetic band of tedious anecdoters. The slide show below includes some kiddy sledging action as well as the usual mountain vistas spoilt by a couple of middle-aged walkers in the frame

Posted January 9, 2012 by surfnslide in Family Trips, Pennines, Walking

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10 responses to “Ninebanks – Gathering of the Clans (part 2)

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  1. Nice one Andy. I am amazed you got some decent weather. I couldn’t find any during the period for a backpacking trip !


  2. Top quality day – I enjoyed the slideshow. Middle-aged moi?


  3. There’s not much beats that blue-sky-white-snow thing is there?


    • Standing on those crags, snow underfoot, blue sky above, snow-capped mountains all around and stuffing my face with cold apple crumble from a sandwich box.

      Life doesn’t get much better than that 🙂


  4. looks like a fabulous relaxed day out… whats that bright thing in the sky in several of your pics? 🙂
    and sledging… got to love that!!


    • I wasn’t aware that under the right atmospheric conditions you can see the nearest star to earth with the naked eye – and here is the evidence to prove it 🙂

      We refrained from sledging this year (adults that is) – we broke almost all the sledges last year! Best left to the younger ones (did I really just type that)


  5. Enjoyed your Pennine Romp Andy.Nowadays .I,d much rather Have a two hour walk up the lesser hills in good weather than a full day of bad or even dull conditions on the highest summits.The kids always enjoy it more too I bet.As a club we sometimes book winter youth hostels out of season for a weekend and always have a good time.Also helps keep the hostels afloat with so many other private bunkhouses opening.Looks like you have great fun on your
    trips which is what its all about.


    • Thanks Bob. Our Xmas YH weekend is one of the years highlights. We’ve had snow the last 3 years and some great days walking. The kids just love playing together, inside and outside and the adults get time to chill out and get some walking in. This day was a cracker, only a few miles but we were able to take it easy and soak up the scenery – sometimes it’s the best way


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