Autumn Sunshine in the Black Mountains   10 comments

Sunshine has been in very short supply of late and it seems a while back in November when the sun came out to any meaningful degree.


A frosty day back in early November and me and TBF were out and about to make the most of a glorious morning.


A circuit of the Grwyne Fawr valley in the Black Mountains. The autumn colours on the trees as we set off was magnificent.


I think this is the first time I’ve walked this route at this time of year so it was a delight to see it in full technicolor glory.


My O/S mapping wasn’t working properly so I crossed the river a bridge too soon and the boggy walk through the forest was not ideal. With views like this it didn’t matter too much.


Onwards and out onto the open fell and the only real ascent of the day onto Pen y Gadair Fawr.


Fabulous, crystal clear views all around.


TBF joins me on the summit.


A view south over towards the Sugar Loaf, Bristol Channel glinting in the distance


Summit panorama looking westwards towards the Brecon Beacons.


Waun Fach, the highest if not the most impressive of the Black Mountains summits. Pen y Gadair Fawr is by far the more impressive peak and looks higher from everywhere else than Waun Fach itself.


Zoom shot over to the Brecon Beacons.


And another panorama, this time looking east.


They’ve done some superb work up here on the summit plateau. What was once peat hags, black soil and soggy bog is now wavy grass with an excellent path. Easy going over what was once a really wet and tiresome stretch. Always good to seen the ponies as well.


Looking back to Pen y Gadair Fawr and its more distinctive summit.


We didn’t linger on Waun Fach and instead pressed on looking for a decent lunch stop.


I think you can agree this one was a bit of a cracker.


The clarity of the air was amazing and we could see for miles. The clouds hanging over the mountains making fro some dramatic effects.


Always pleases me to take a stop in this area with a view to my very first mountain, Mynydd Troed.


Suitably refreshed and relaxed we moved on. Fine views along the Dragons Back ridge of Y Grib, a route I’ve not done for quite a while.


The clouds that had created such fine views earlier raced across and obscured the blue skies from earlier, heralding the next spell of wet weather that arrived the following day.


It stayed dry for us though. We took in a stop just by the reservoir dam for second lunch. A great little spot overlooking the Grwyne Fawr valley.


A fine stroll along the easy path above the valley and back to the car to finish the day.

10 responses to “Autumn Sunshine in the Black Mountains

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  1. You did well to get a fine day with such air clarity this autumn. Actually, make that this year.
    “My very first mountain, Mynydd Troed.” Have I heard that story?


    • I surely must have done the Mynydd Troed story either on the blog or directly. Not very exciting. Did it when I was on a Primary school camping trip, aged 10. We did it on an absolutely awful wet day. Our teacher told us it was a volcano and the small depression of the top (about 5 feet wide and a few inches deep) was the crater. I never did it again until we moved back down here since when its become a regular walk and a great summit. Sadly badly damaged by a fire a few years ago.


  2. The Gwryne Valley looks a cracker – quite a strange spelling though. I think that was the week or so that it was completely lethal here. It was a shame as it was great when you reached the hills but murder getting to them! I honestly thought I’d end up with yet another broken wrist this year – I’m hoping it just stays warm and wet now to be honest…


    • I think we just had the one day of frosty weather, only day this year I’ve had to scrape the windscreen. Mind you, I work at home so I rarely have to drive anywhere in the morning!


  3. I’ve just mentioned on my latest post about the weather in the first week of November being the last time i walked in sunshine, and here is a post from you at that time. Since then its been very poor. Can’t see us getting anything over Christmas either looking at the next weeks forecast. Shame as the views and photos on this walk really stand out in sunny weather


  4. Another stunning opening pic, but this time the weather Gods were particularly kind! A wonderful autumn hike!


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