A Liverpool Weekend With The Prof   13 comments

Back up to our now regular visits to Liverpool to see the Prof.


We have a kind of routine for these trips now. A day in the city and day out and about in the wider area.


We took our usual trip into the Central Library and its splendid Picton Reading Room. A nice view across the city from the top floor.


After a cuppa and lunch in a very fine cafe near Lime Street Station and a walk up to the Philharmonic Rooms for a lunchtime pint we headed for our objective for the day, a tour of the Royal Liver Building on the waterfront.


Its an interesting building and an iconic sight from the outside. Whilst the inside is mostly rented office space they do let you go up to the roof where you get a close up view of the two main towers.


And some great views across the city.


There was also a 10 minute audio visual presentation on the inside of the walls of one of the towers. It was about the history of the city and extremely well done.


You can then climb to the higher point of one of the towers from where the views are even better. Looking out across the Port of Liverpool and Cunard Buildings towards Albert Dock.


Across the Mersey to the Wirral.


Close up of the Tower.


And North out towards Bootle and Crosby where the Prof lives. For the footy fans you can see the new Everton Stadium – who knows what division they will be in when they play their first game.


We lucked out with the weather and it was raining while we were up top. It was also cold as the family are making a good job of looking.


After our visit we just headed home for a chill out and then back out for a fine Greek meal in a local restaurant. This is the very spooky looking church across the road from the Prof’s flat. I expect to see Dracula and vampire bats swooping down to take us to the dark side of the after-life.


Next day, as part of our routine we headed for a breakfast and walk around Sefton Park before heading back to Crosby for a walk on the beach.


The Prof has landed on his feet with a very nice flat just 10 mins walk from the beach. What I’d give to be able to live this close to a fine walk.


We watched sun start to set with the Antony Gormley “Another Place” sculptures and then headed back home after another great city weekend. Several more trips planned hopefully with some better weather as we’ve only ever visited in autumn and winter.

13 responses to “A Liverpool Weekend With The Prof

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  1. Edit required: Antony Gormley. Then delete this pedantic comment!


  2. Have a real affection for Liverpool based on only a handful of visits – so much to see and do. Is the Peter Blake designed decorated Dazzle Ferry still moored close to the Liver Building?


    • We are planning to visit the Prof a couple of times in the summer – you should come down for the day and join us on our wanders about. We’ve not explored the Wirral yet or Southport either. Isn’t the ferry in the third photo the Peter Blake one?


  3. First of all… why is that roof of the building in the first photo green? It’s obviously not vegetation as it’s a kind of sage green and surely they didn’t paint it?

    The family do indeed look frozen in that rooftop photo!


    • I’d guess the green roof is a copper lined one as I think they are green but no idea really. It was cold up there on a grey February day!


      • Copper rooves do go green with verdigris – there’s a famous boys school with a copper domed roof at Giggleswick near where I used to live which had a green dome for that reason (I think the school was famous just for the dome). Unfortunately, they had to replace it a few years back so it’s just copper-coloured now until it eventually goes green again.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Not been back that way for about 5 years now, its a great city and lots more to see than you think. You need to head to the Catholic cathedral next time you are in the area of the Philly, well worth a look inside on a sunny day


    • Yes, we need to take a look inside the Catholic one as its so iconic. Great city and so much to see. Really glad the Prof has moved there and has a flat big enough top accommodate us when we come to stay

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Watching people’s kids grow up on social media, really makes me realise how long we’ve all been connecting in this way!


  6. I am very much enjoying your visits to Liverpool. The skyline is such a mixture of old and new. I’ve also enjoyed reading your first blog post.

    I wonder how often over the years has a line similar to this been written?

    “The weather continued to improve as they day went on with some lovely sunny spells although with a cold wind.”


    • Both our kids have chosen well with their selection of places to move to. We love Liverpool and our daughter is moving to dtudy in Winchester, another fine old city we are looking forward to exploring


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