Tour de France/Italy – Verona   9 comments

When we visited Venice I kept reading/hearing that Verona was just as good. Its less than an hours drive from Lake Garda so we planned a visit and a special evening out – more on that later.


Driving in an Italian city was making me edgy but Verona was easy. Car parked, we headed off to explore.


One of the city gates, I Portoni della Brà.


Got to love a nice fountain on a sunny day.


The Roman Amphitheatre, one of the city’s most famous sights.


Via Giuseppe Mazzini, the main shopping street, full of designer stores but I liked it anyway, especially the stone floor.


The Torre dei Lamberti.


And the Piazza delle Erbe, the city’s main square. It was extremely busy but on a stunning day it was hard not love it.


We found an excellent and friendly place for a great lunch.


Torre dei Lamberti from inside the Courtyard of the Old Market.


I really liked this spot and wished we’d gone up the Tower for views over the city.


Most people wanted to take advantage of that shopping possibility so we split up and me, TBF and S went for a wander down to the Ponte Scaligero and the Castelvecchio. Much more impressive I’m sure you’ll agree.


I particularly liked the bridge and its castellated towers.


View over the Adige River.


One of the bridge towers.


A look back along the bridge.


The castle looked really interesting and well worth an explore.


However it was the hottest part of the day and we felt a shady cafe with a cold drink was more in order.


Another place filed away for a visit when I return


Piazza Brà that surrounds the Amphitheatre.


Palazzo Barbieri – the Town Hall.


After a splendid couple of hours sipping cool drinks in a shady cafe, everyone went back to the car to change for evening meal and entertainment. Never one to waste a opportunity to explore I headed off on my own for a short wander before meeting everyone else at the restaurant.

I walked out to the Adige river and had a fine stroll along the shady streets with great views across to the Castel San Pietro.


This part of the city was superb. The streets were much quieter and packed with small pavement restaurants.


Another view of the castle. The Green boards are protecting the Roman Theatre, another site that I’m disappointed we missed. I could see people on the terraces by the castle and thought if I walked briskly I could get some views out over the city.


It was a hot steep climb but well worth the effort. Stupendous city-scape views.


Looking down to the Ponte Pietra and the white tower of the Campanile della Cattedrale di Verona.


Panorama shot (click on the photo for a bigger version)


And a closer view of the Ponte Pietra and cathedral bell tower.


It’s a wonderful old stone bridge with a gateway into the city on the far side. I would have lingered here for a while but the restaurant booking was fast approaching.


Another brisk walk through the city streets. Past the Basilica di Santa Anastasia.


And back into the Piazza delle Erbe. Always look up in cities or you miss interesting stuff. Here, these artwork walls.


Torre dei Lamberti.


And back to the Amphitheatre.


Our restaurant was just on the piazza, although it took me a few frustrating minutes to find it.


After a wonderful meal, back outside for our evening entertainment…….


A chance to watch an Opera inside a 2000 year old Roman Amphitheatre! I’ve never seen an opera so had no idea what to expect but I was excited to see a performance, outdoors in such an iconic location. Its so much bigger than you expect from outside.


Our happy band. J-Dog is a big opera fan and although she has been to Verona before it was a lifetime wish to see Aida here. You sit on the stone steps (you take your own cushions or hire them) which was rather hot as the stone has been soaking up the sun all day and was now radiating the heat back out.


Aida is a an Opera about Love, Death and Betrayal (is there any other kind) in ancient Egypt. All sung in Italian but J-Dog had printed off a plot synopsis so we had a decent idea of the story and they had a screen with subtitles. So I found it pretty easy to follow.


It was a fantastic experience to see such a spectacle of acting, singing, dancing, theatrics and costumes in such a location.


I won’t pretend that I’m now a complete convert to opera but I would without question go to see one again in Verona. It was fantastic albeit quite a long tiring day as it doesn’t finish until just before midnight and we had an hours drive back.


A truly memorable day and Verona is a fantastic city. Another highlight of a memorable trip.

9 responses to “Tour de France/Italy – Verona

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  1. You passed up a tower and a castle? Who’s writing this and what have you done with my friend Andy?
    To be fair, you clearly packed a lot in; and you have a good excuse to go back. It certainly looks like a very handsome place. You’d like Florence too – but go in the off season, if there is such a thing.
    The amphitheatre and opera both look amazing. Cast of millions by the look of it. I wouldn’t have expected the impressive light show.


    • I know – poor show really but it was hot and the tower likely to have needed pre-booking – next time as I’ll definitely be going back. I keep hearing that Florence is one of the worst, if not the worst places, in European cities for crowds. I’d love to there but not the crowds. Verona was pretty spacious and not too many folks other than that main square. As ever, easy to find quiet spots if you went wandering.
      The spectacle of the Opera was breathtaking, the cast was huge and the set and lighting were just wonderful. I suspect the costumes were awesome as well although we were a little too far away. There was even some very elaborate dancing which I wasn’t expecting. Not exactly the most uplifting of storylines (Aida herself is a bit of a “woe is me” character). A long evening at 3 hours but an experience not to be missed


  2. Wow, I was impressed with Verona but to see Aida in the amphitheatre was absolutely brilliant! What an amazing, if long day!


    • Its up there with Rome and Venice in my opinion and well worth taking time to visit. The Opera was magnificent and made for a really distinctive, different and memorable day


  3. I’m not an opera fan at all, in fact I hate it, but it must have been some event it taking place in that amphitheatre!

    I’d have gone with you to the bridge and castle rather than shopping as, despite being a woman, I hate shopping with a vengeance!

    Verona looks a truly beautiful city but most of the European cities I’ve seen so far have all been beautiful with lovely old architecture. I only think three or four of our British cities are ‘beautiful’ and I’m not sure it’s on the same scale of beauty at all!


    • Most of the well known cities I’ve been to have been stunning with the exception of Berlin which is very much more modern and quite bleak in a way (although extremely interesting). In the UK we have a tendency to let modern stuff intrude more into the older parts than they do in Europe. York for example has stunning old corners but so much modern crap has been allowed to fester right next to it.

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  4. Just catching up on all the posts over the past week. This one is the highlight so far. I’ve always wanted to go to Verona, I’ve done Tuscany, yes Florence is busy but well worth it (I also drove into Florence as well, not as bad as I expected). Pisa is crap though. Siena is better than both of them. Some fantastic photos and the buildings and bridges are magnificent. And Opera, have to say that’s on my bucket list in Italy as well


    • Whilst I always struggle when someone asks me my favourite city I think its certain that experience so far says Italy has the best collection (although I’ve only been to Barcelona in mainland Spain). There are so many in Italy I still want to see and plenty of smaller lesser know cities that are on my radar. Verona was right up there and so much we need to revisit to see, easily worth a couple of days for a visit. Even if you aren’t an Opera fan seeing one in the amphitheatre is an experience not to be missed.

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