The French Connection – Accrobranche   12 comments

We love the tree climbing adventure parks in France (called Accrobranche over there) and its a mainstay of any visit. We have them in the UK but the courses are inferior and shorter and the cost much higher so we fill our boots when we are over the channel.


These places are everywhere in France and even though we had a couple just a few miles away from our campsite we travelled across the Dordogne countryside to one we’ve visited many times now. At only £16 each for a full days entertainment with friendly staff and challenging courses, its well worth the extra drive.


This year we had the added “fun” of heavy rain just before we arrived making the obstacles somewhat more slippery than normal.


Here is the inestimable “J-Dog” (no idea where that nickname comes from – her kids assigned it) tackling one of the many zip wires.


TBFs lack of height can make these things a little more challenging although she’s easily the best of the adults at this stuff.


The kids taking a break from the action.


One of my favourites, the Tarzan swing onto the cargo net.


Anyone who has ever done of these course will tell you that the toughest obstacle are the infamous “strirrups”.


While dangling in mid-air you have to reach forward and place one foot in a stirrup and then remove the other foot and move forward. Believe me, its much, much harder than it sounds or looks (hence the reason I dipped out this time and am taking the photos from below)


TJF making it look easy.


The last course is short but very hard indeed and only a few hardy souls tackle it. This year it was just the DBs who made it look all rather easy.


Fantastic day out as always.


12 responses to “The French Connection – Accrobranche

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  1. I’m new to these, done one down here and the one in the Lakes by Windermere. As you say they are pricey but good fun


  2. Fabulous photos! Fabulous fun! I would just love it. [Ha, ha, this old body would never recover!] The Youngsters are all grown up!


  3. Always fancied doing that when I was younger. Too old now though and down to only one good arm for holding on :o( Damn.


    Blue Sky Scotland
    • I used to be pretty good but every passing year brings an obstacle that I used to be able to manage and can’t any more. I’ve got into problems a couple of times as well and had to be rescued by the instructors – to much laughter from everyone else!


  4. That looks like great fun! I’ve always wanted to try ziplining – we have a few courses near where I live. You kids and wife are champs! And there’s no way I’d be able to master those stirrups either.


  5. I looks like a great day out. I for one, enjoyed it immensely! Thanks for taking the DBs and the BB, I can see they enjoyed it from your photos.


    • I’m sure you enjoyed sitting under the trees as much as we enjoyed playing in them. Its always a great day with the kids and me J-Dog and TBF enjoy watching the kids have fun as much as we enjoy it ourselves. There is the usual baiting and wind ups of course as well.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Think I’d end up getting stick up there and needing rescuing too!


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