Mid Wales Mini Break   9 comments

Back to mid April and a weekend that promised some much needed sunshine. The van has been in for work on its windscreen wipers for several weeks but it was back in action and time to take it out for a much needed overnight. We hadn’t been away in the van for a couple of months.


We decided on a split trip. Saturday we headed to the coast with a plan to head into the mountains for the evening.


We fancied an easy stroll along the Prom at Aberystwyth. Rather than try and navigate the busy streets we parked up (for free) by the beach at Clarach.


From there its just a 30 minute walk over Constitution Hill to Aberystwyth.


It was a gorgeous warm, sunny day, the first one for many months. Classic view across Aberystwyth from the top of the hill.


We had in mind a lunch at one of a couple of far east restaurants that sounded nice. Sadly both were cash only and we had no cards or cash – price paid for relying on payments by phone.


This did however give us a chance to stumble on a stunning, friendly little Spanish bar and deli and we had a delicious lunch eating outside in the sunshine. Result!


The walk along the seafront now has 3 sets of memories for me. From when I was kid, from walking with my own kids, and now just with TBF.


The classic view of the keep at the castle grounds. More happy memories of time spent playing there, as a kid and with them.


I’m a real sucker for a long walk along a classic UK seafront. Aberystwyth is one of the best.


Time to walk back over Constitution Hill to Clarach.


TBF looking happy in the sun.


The Gorse out in force.


The terrace of the new bar on the main campsite looking inviting so we popped in for a drink. Well we would have done. Despite the fact that the place was almost deserted they wouldn’t serve us as it was only for people staying on the site. Never ceases to amaze me how places like this turn down trade in order to maintain some kind of air exclusivity and then likely complain about high costs and difficult itb is to keep going. Its still only a caravan site. Their loss.


We headed off into the wilds of mid-Wales and our new favourite escape of Llyn Brianne. After a bit of scout around we came across this stunning location.


Amazing views and we had the place to ourselves.


TBF enjoys a cuppa in the sunshine.


It was just about warm enough to cook and eat tea outside. First time we’ve managed that this year.


And here’s a rare photo of me soaking up some sun.


We had a quiet and restful night and were still able to cook and eat breakfast outside the next morning.


We headed down to the dam at the far end of the lake for a walk around as we like it there. A bit too chilly for swimming at that time of year.


Unlike the last few times we’ve visited the was no water in the overflow channel – surprising after such a wet winter although that could just be related to how they manage things for water supply and power generation.


View across the outflow to the small hill of Rhuddhalt where we were heading later in the walk.


The clay and earth dam – largest in the UK I think.


A nice stroll through the gnarly woodland to the top of Rhuddhalt.


Its a great viewpoint to look over the dame and the lake.


We had a brief sit to take in the views – another quiet little spot that I doubt sees many people.


We headed back to van for lunch via the dry overspill.


And a walk across the top of the dam.


After a lunch in the van (by now it was too cold to eat outside) we started the trip home.


Keen for another short walk we stopped off at Pen y Crug, a small iron age hill fort just outside Brecon. I’d not done it before so a good one to tick off especially as it has some great views over the mountains of the Brecon Beacons.


Looking out to the distant Black Mountains


The gorse gave some colour to what had become a bit of a grey afternoon.


And a final view over Brecon town to end a lovely little weekend away

9 responses to “Mid Wales Mini Break

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  1. Like your style with the free parking, have to say I go out of my way (or Linda encourages me) to find somewhere free. Baffled by the spanish food, apart from the bread, I can’t work out what it is? And had to google Pen y Crug to see where that one was, looks like a handy place to walk up from Brecon.


    • I hate paying to park unless there has clearly been some effort to create a space, provide facilities or generate revenue for some kind of cause. Just paying to park on a featureless tarmac slab gets at my tight fistedness.

      I think I was eating fried Aubergines with honey and some kind of Chorizo stew

      Surprised it took me over 22 years in the area to climb Pen y Crug – nice little mountain although we cheated and walked from a high park spot to the north


  2. I’m not sure I’ve ever been actually into Aberystwyth… I’ve been to the renewable energy place (and that was so long ago I can’t even remember what it was called now) – that was very interesting.


  3. I’ve rewatching “Hinterland” on the iplayer lately. All i can say is that it’s a dangerous place is Aber. You’re lucky to get out alive!


  4. A second vote for ‘Hinterland’. Very good.

    Are any of those caravan sites the one we stayed on a couple of times? Happy memories – of midnight swims, drinking Lambrusco by beach bonfires, and Harry as a tiny puppy!

    Free parking – not always possible, but feels like a victory when you find it. Your overnight stop looks delightful, but I’m not sure we needed to know that you had ‘quite a night’!

    The views from Pen y Crug are great, I imagine you’ll be heading back that way before too long?


    • Second photograph, the nearby site with all the green caravans was the one we stayed on. Great couple of weekends although I don’t remember Harry being there as a puppy!

      Bloody auto-correct! It was a lovely spot though, had an eye on it before but there have been other vans there. It’s quite a challenge to find unoccupied spots, so many people with campers and motorhomes and the locations are getting better known.


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