Takin’ it Easy   13 comments

Onwards to Easter and we’d managed to invite oursleves over to see the Silverdale Massive for a long weekend.


We didn’t venture very far from home (theirs) but that suited us just fine. Whenever we visit we always seem to make grand plans but almost always settle for an easy pace of life, lots of sitting around, chatting, drinking tea, eating (a lot) and plenty of easy paced walks around this stunning local area.


We headed up a day early so on the Thursday me and the Prof worked from their house and snuck out for a short walk to the Pepperpot.


Past the Cove and The Lots (don’t recall those dark skies) and a cafe lunch in the village. In the evening we went to the Pub for a quiz and three fine pints of Banks’s Mild – a real taste of home for me and a thoroughly enjoyable evening.


Friday was the classic walk around the coast to Arnside. We had planned to have lunch there but a very heavy shower had us diving for cover in the small Bob-In cafe at New Barns and were very lucky indeed to grab a table. When we emerged the weather was glorious and stayed that way for the rest of the day.


No visit would be complete without a walk top the top of Arnside Knott.


The views from the top as wonderful as always.


TBH and Mark approaching the top.


Fine views across the Kent Estuary.


Next morning, me TBF and The Prof went for another walk to the Pepperpot. Not quite sure where everyone else was. This was the tree all the kids used to climb in when they were small (and not so small)


Considering its limited altitude, its a superb viewpoint with spectacular views over Morecambe Bay.


TBF and The Prof.


The same continuation by The Cove.


And back by The Lots and home for another lunchtime feed


After lunch and exercise was needed so we were taken on a special excursion. Past Woodwell.


Up on to Heald Brow.


To see a fantastic fossilised Nautiloid. I should have put something in for scale but I’m guessing it was nearly a foot long and hugely impressive.


Down from Heald Brow and along the shore to Jenny Brown’s Point.


A gorgeous, warm, sunny afternoon was in full effect now.


Mark strolling out across the grass.


Yet another of my favourite places in this corner of the world.


A great finish to the day.


Next day and Mark took us on a wander to yet another new place I don’t think I’ve ever been to, even though we’ve been here many times. Stopping off on the way at Lamberts Meadow, one of Marks favourite spots for insect hunting.


I think the place he took us to was called Myers Allotment. Hopefully he’ll correct me when he reads the post. He said it had a superb view over Leighton Moss wetland nature reserve and he wasn’t wrong.


So far we hadn’t needed to use the car but on the Sunday afternoon we headed out a little further. Mark has posted a few times about the coast near Heysham and I was keen to take a look. We started off at the lovely little church of St Peters.


The views across the Bay were very fine.


Sadly it was closed for renovations so we couldn’t take a peek inside.


Clearly I need to come back for another look.


Just above the church are the ruins of St Patricks Chapel.


Its well know for these “graves” carved out of the rock. They looked a little too small to contain bodies but we read on the signs that they kind of broke up the bones to make them fit. Rther grisly don’t you think.


It was a cold and chilly afternoon but there were a few brave souls playing on this lovely little cove below the chapel.


And the Nuclear Power Station along the coast.


My mental picture of Heysham is of the Power Station so it was rather nice to discover the coastline is very fine indeed and lots to keep the interest.


Onwards and we parked up in Morecambe for a stroll along the Prom


Once down at heel, they have clearly spent some money on the waterfront and whilst still in places a little tired is a wonderful walk. I really enjoy an old Victorian Seafront and I loved this walk.


Apart from the fact it was very windy and bitingly cold.


Best way to deal with the bracing weather is for a slap up fish and chip supper in a local establishment.


The food, the staff and the company was marvellous and a very enjoyable way to end the day.


Almost the end, a decent sunset from the walk back to the car and an even better one as we arrived back in Silverdale (although we’d missed the very best of it during the drive).


The last day was wet and miserable so we indulged in more drinking, chatting, eating and playing board games. Fabulous and memorable weekend and as always, a huge thanks to our hosts for putting us up, feeding us and generally making it a special Easter.

13 responses to “Takin’ it Easy

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  1. Fabulous photos, although some of them are slightly marred by the unsightly foreground!

    Of course, you know about the Bob-Inn, you were there! The nature reserve is indeed Myer’s Allotment – I was there today taking photos of Broad-bodied Chasers and getting sunburned.

    I’m pleased that the weekend wasn’t ruined by my being crocked. Glad you mentioned the ‘best-ever’ pub quiz, but you forgot the comedy evening. I’ve never yet managed to see inside St. Peter’s so when you revisit, take me with you.

    Of course, by the time I get to post about this it will be a distant memory, but I shall be able to reread your post to refresh my memory!


    • Oh yeah, I’d forgotten about the Comedy evening – we did pack some stuff in over the weekend. I talk your being crocked as a blessing that allowed us to really relax and just enjoy the company and simple pleasures of pottering about (although I think we walked quite a few miles in the end over the course of the weekend. Great times!


  2. C’s stepdad’s dad was the vicar at that church. Lovely place. Went there a few years ago with her.


  3. Some nice sunset photos at the end there, its a lovely area and lucky that there’s no driving involved to pick off most of those walks


  4. I like Morecambe – we used to go regularly on the train when we were kids – but it isn’t the same since there are no horses on the beach now. We used to trek to Heysham quite often – it was a lovely ride and they had some truly great horses.

    Arnside/Silverdale is a lovely area and there’s some great light on the coastal and estuarial photos. Where is ‘The Pepperpot’ – I don’t remember ever seeing it?


  5. What a wonderful Easter with friends, and in an area I never tire of seeing through Mark’s lens.



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