Solo in the Church Stretton Alps   13 comments

The day after my short walk on Bryn Arw was much better.


I headed for the Church Stretton Alps as I realised I hadn’t been up that way for quite a while.


It was a bright and dry day if a little overcast. I started off by climbing up to Ragleth Hill. Great views over to Caer Caradoc, Hope Bowdler Hill and the distant Wrekin.


Ragleth is one of the lesser known hills around these parts and is alway quiet. Its a lovely grassy high level stroll.


Views across to the Long Mynd.


What isn’t a stroll is its brutally steep southern end. Luckily I was heading down it this time rather than up.


I wandered through the pleasant hamlet of Little Stretton, sadly too early for a lunchtime pint in one of its two cracking pubs. Ragleth Hill from the path that heads back towards Church Stretton.


There is quite a bit of up and down on the retrun path to the main town. A circuit of the Church Stretton Hills is no easy day out.


Cardingmill Valley.


On the first day of the two week Easter holiday it was rammed, cars queuing to park up, even though it was a decidedly chilly and windy day.


After crossing the valley (and one of the muddiest fields I know) it was time for the main event – the painfully steep climb to Caer Caradoc.


The first part is a real lung buster but once that’s over its another wonderful high level stroll to the top.


Hope Bowdler and Willstone Hills – heading that way later.


The summit is an iron age hill fort and is studded with volcanic rock tors. Its a magnificent mini-mountain.


Looking back down the ridge to Church Stretton.


It was really windy on the top and I had to hunker down in one of the ditches with a down jacket on to keep warm. It was still March after all. However the sun was really starting to break through and the views were sensational. The Lawley, The Wrekin and the Cheshire Plain here.


And over to the Long Mynd.


The weather kept on improving as I walked down the steep east side and crossed another rather soggy field to climb Willstone Hill.


The Lawley catching the sun and the distant Wrekin always present on the horizon.


On Willstone Hill there is a small tor called the Battle Stones. Never walked to this point before so I’m glad I did.


A fine foreground to the photos.


The weather just better and better as I walked back towards the car over Hope Bowdler Hill.


Shropshire Hills Pano.


Another lovely grassy stroll along the crest of Hope Bowdler Hill.


Trying hard to smile.


Another pano showing the extravagant blue skies that replaced the grey ones from earlier.


Caer Caradoc, now bathed in sunshine looks magnificent from this direction


Church Stretton and The Long Mynd.


One of the small tors on Hope Bowdler Hill.


The two Clee Hills, highest and third highest points in Shropshire.


The Gaer Stone.


One last look at Caer Caradoc.


A long day at almost 12 miles and 3000 foot of ascent but a stunner, especially the last couple of hours. A rare sunny day in a bleak and grey winter.

13 responses to “Solo in the Church Stretton Alps

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  1. We did those 3 on our first day of our Holiday Fellowship weekend and then the Long Mynd the next day – I preferred these 3 – very spectacular! I really also wanted to do the Lawler and Stiper Stones but we didn’t get round to either before we had to come home again unfortunately. As I hated the drive down to Shropshire so much (very complicated and quite slow), I can’t see me going again sad to say. I did really like the area though…


    • The top of the Long Mynd is a bit bland but the edges and and valleys are superb walking. Including those as well as these peaks in a single day is a real challenge. The Lawley is a magnificent ridge although hard to walk out to from Church Stretton without a lot of walking on lanes. Stiperstones is also magnificent. Its an area well worth the effort to get to (easy for me to say as I only live an hour down the road!)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Another beauty!


  3. This week I posted my climb of a month ago, of one of our taller and steeper peaks. It was a hard work. but rewarding and exhilerating. Alas, for the next 2 weeks my body said, enough is enough.


  4. Bit of a lesser known area for walking and one I’ve not been to, some steep hills and really like the look of Caer Caradoc


  5. It looks like Church Stretton might be the perfect centre for my long anticipated holiday in Shropshire? You do a great job of selling the area, although I might baulk at 3000′ of ascent!



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