Meeting New Friends   16 comments

Since I started my blog over 13 years ago, one of the real pleasures has been striking up virtual friendships not only in the UK but as far aways as Colorado and Washington State in the US and Queensland, Australia. Its always a nice lift when someone takes the time to read my posts and writes a nice comment (just one negative one!). I’ve never actually had an opportunity to meet up in person but that’s now been put right.


Since coming across the Treks and Tors blog some years ago I’ve been able to learn a whole load of stuff about Dartmoor and the coastal paths of the south west and even been able to plan some of my own walks in that area that were all superb (apart from one utterly miserable wet day when the forecast sold me down the river). This year I was finally able to meet up with its author/owner (whatever the write title is for a blogger). Steve and his partner Linda were on a trip to south Wales and this time I was able to join them and show off a bit of my home patch.


Steve and Linda were wonderful company and we were immediately chatting away like we’d known each other for years, which, in a way, we have I guess.


We’d discussed some routes beforehand and had settled on a round of the Grwyne Valley, taking in the highest points in the Black Mountains. We’d set off early s the forecast had been for an ok morning but deteriorating later. Sadly the weather was looking grim as we approached the top of Pen y Gadair Fawr, enveloping us in cloud and heavy drizzle.


A group summit photo and I look a lot happier than when I take my selfies!


We thought we were in for a bit of a soaking but as soon as we left the top the rain stopped and it brightened up a little and even gave us some views over the Black Mountains.


It wasn’t a day for long stops so we covered the ground pretty quickly. Its kind of re-assuring that people who share you own passions for the outdoors and walking make such easy and fun company. Had I been out on my own on a day like this it would probably have turned into a bit of dreary route march (or more likely I wouldn’t have gone out at all). As it turned out I look back on the day with great memories of a fine day in the mountains with new friends. We had a good laugh at many points and I was particularly reassured that both Steve and Linda also “go to the pictures” when heading out to watch a film (and not go to the Cinema as the young people now say and roll eyes when I use the correct term!)


My only regreat is that I was so busy enjoying the walk I didn’t take all that many photos. Steve took a lot more so you might get a better idea of the walk from his write up of the day here.


Steve is very much a man for a post walk pint so after we finished the walk we headed down to the wonderfully named Llanvihangel Crucorney and The Skirrid Inn. Its supposedly the oldest pub in Wales and what a fine old place it is, all old slate walls and character (and a fine pint of Butty Bach). Surprising therefore that its the first time I’ve been in despite living in the area for 22 years

Steve and Linda were off back home to Devon so we bid our farewells and parted company. Really hope we can meet up again either in my patch or theirs. A really great day out.


As expected the forecast for the next day was much worse and the weather actually much better!


Just a few photos from a very short solo walk on my local Garway Hill.


Very muddy and wet up there still at the start of March. I would be hoping the recent nice weather would dry things out but its been raising at home all day today – again!


Ysgyryd Fawr and the Sugar Loaf


Black Mountains and Hay Bluff.


Out over Herefordshire.


And the summit remains of the WW2 Radar Tower.

16 responses to “Meeting New Friends

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  1. I’ve met quite a few of the bloggers I’m matey with but not really walked with any. Strangely I have walked with other people I only previously knew online though. You do have stunning scenery in that area and I bet they really enjoyed it – they certainly looked to. Oh, and I ‘go to the pictures’ as well 😉


  2. By the way, I started my blog around the same time as you – in 2011 when I got unceremoniously banned from the infamous ‘Walkhighlands’!


  3. It’s obviously a bit of an addiction this blogging mularkey, but maybe a healthy one? I’ve met Conrad of ConradWalks, and Martin of Postcard from Timperley, and Ruth who is walking around the UK coast in sections, and walked with the much lamented Alan Sloman during our beano to Jersey (I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone!). Oh – and this fellow from Herefordshire….

    Perhaps you could organise a convention?

    The pictures obviously (or the flicks) never the Cinema.


    • I occasionally lose my mojo (as do you I think) but I always return to it. If nothing else a good chance to look through photos again, when I often see something different or remember something about a day I’d forgotten.

      And we used to say Flicks as well.


      • Well quite. Thinking back, there was a period when I virtually stopped taking photos when I was out on my own, because, I thought, who will ever look at them? Now I take thousands – and I look at them at least, and a few other folk too.


        • I’ve always taken photos when I’m out and about other than local walks or on really grim wet days. Best way to look at them is either through the blog or I have a rolling screensaver that shows pics from right across my selection – can be something of a distraction but a nice on


  4. It was a great walk and we loved it, especially the valley section and looking down to the Dragons back. Really enjoyed meeting up and thank you for picking such a good area, and it certainly won’t be our last time in your area, as Linda’s daughter lives near Pontypridd now. So we’ll be up again at some point. Had to laugh about the “pictures” comment


    • Top day out and great to meet you both and have great natter on what was a bit of dreary grey day – I like to walk solo sometimes but always better with great company.

      Young ‘uns need to learn a thing or two about the right way to speak!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. A soggy but memorable hike. Sharing a pint would been a great way to end the day. I have been fortunate to have met and walked with 3 bloggers and almost with you, Andy. I can fully appreciate how special this day was with the treksandtors. Blogging definitely grows wonderful friendships across the world.

    Murphy’s law re the weather!


    • I was so disappointed that we couldn’t meet up a couple of years ago. It’s been wonderful to be in touch with you on the other side of the world just through our blogs. Long may it continue.


  6. Maybe I’m the blogger from Colorado? I always enjoy your posts. I haven’t posted in quite some time on my blog. I post regularly on my Facebook page which I think you follow and also on my Instagram account. If we ever come back to Wales (we were there in 2007), we will look you up!


    • Hi Bob – good to hear from you again and hope all is good with you and the family.

      Yes, you are the Colorado blogger! I always enjoy your photos on your FB page so good to stay in touch. If you ever do come across to the UK then definitely it would be great to meet up. All the best


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